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Specialized Tire Letter Glue GLUE ONLY [tirestickers treadwear] MADE IN JAPAN

Specialized Tire Letter Glue GLUE ONLY [tirestickers treadwear] MADE IN JAPAN

Regular price $19.99 USD

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only -12 left in stock

  • This is Specialized Tire Letter Glue. It is slower set to give you more adjustment time and it remains flexible to work better on Rubber.

  • Formulated and made specially in Japan.

  • This item is glue only for tire letters. This is a specially formulated strong superglue type of adhesive with higher viscosity for easy application. It also has a 1 minute set time to allow for minor adjustment as you place your letters on the tire!

  • This is enough glue for application of letters on 2 - 3 cars
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Eco-Friendly Auto Refinishing

Less Pollution, Faster Results

Color Match Wrap: A greener way to fix auto paint and refinish parts with significantly fewer harmful emissions than traditional paint methods!


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