MADE TO ORDER IN USA! WORLDWIDE SHIPPING Paint Color Match Vinyl Wrap :: Eco Paint Repair & Refinish!

Special Order Color Match Wrap CUSTOM COLOR

Special Order Color Match Wrap CUSTOM COLOR

Regular price $200.00 USD

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only 0 left in stock

  1. Development of custom color to get as close as possible to supplied sample of brassy looking sample provided.
  2. Sample provided to match is drylac powder coat, ext. 049/20180 brass
  3. The sample we produce will not be exact as that is not possible given the transparent nature of the provided sample in 2. our sample will provide an approximation reproducible on vinyl and we could provide paintable toners that could be applied over a properly prepared surface.
  4. Sample size about 1 foot square
  5. No refunds or returns in any case on custom color developments.
  6. Further development or changes require another purchase of custom development 
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Eco-Friendly Auto Refinishing

Less Pollution, Faster Results

Color Match Wrap: A greener way to fix auto paint and refinish parts with significantly fewer harmful emissions than traditional paint methods!


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